Let's be honest...we ALL need a confidence boost from time to time. Whether it's after a breakup or just a bad day, there's a few things that make me FEEL amazing without breaking the bank! These 10 things under $10 will help you drop the self doubt and learn to love yourself a little more! There's everything from makeup to crystals to books on the list and my official Tara Stamp of Approval (not that that's really a thing, but I can put a smiley sticker on these items if you really want)
*disclaimer: confidence is an INSIDE job! These things will help you feel more confident today, but for longterm happiness, love, and confidence you have to do the inside work! and don't worry I put my favorite things for that too below!
10. Jergen's Natural Glow Self Tanner $8.64
Seriously though who doesn't love a little bit of a tan?! and who else doesn't want to damage their skin?!?! This one is my personal fave!
No gross smell, no oompa-loompa orange, and its gradual so you can control the darkness. Under $10 and it only took 2 applications for me to notice a difference! (also tan skin = muscle popping so win-win)
9. False Lashes $8.00
Not gonna lie...I use to HATE falsies. Mostly because I sucked at putting them on, BUT once you learn how to get them on like a pro they are so worth it!
Five extra minutes in the morning to put these babies on and I immediately feel like a badass. Also you can skip the extras like winging your eyeliner which honestly is harder than getting your lashes on.
8. Dry Brush $9.99
While I am all for body positivity, self love, and embracing all my nooks and crannies, dry brushing has a few health benefits as well as reducing cellulite!
It has not been proven to reduce cellulite, but at the very least it will exfoliate your legs so they are super soft and increased circulation never hurt anyone!
Simply brush your legs, arms, tummy, whatever with this brush completely dry before showering for a few minutes.
7. Beauty Roller $10.99
Again..not 100% proven, but I have been loving this roller to reduce swollen eyes and tighten skin every morning!
Even if you don't believe in the magical power of crystals (which you def should) the cooling effect helps decrease puffiness and rolling promotes increased circulation. Meaning you look like you got an extra hour of sleep!
I also have one in Rose Quartz I love! Basically any crystal will make your skin happy because of the cooling effect so pick one you love the look of!
6. Rose Quartz $7.99
Time for some woo-woo shit! Rose Quartz is the basic bitch of crystals but is amazing for enhancing self love.
Simply carry it with you (mine is usually tucked in my bra) and remember to set an intention for it. I love the mantra:
"I am releasing comparison and embracing self love"
You local crystal shop (that's a thing in other cities right? Not just Burlington, Vermont right?) can better direct you towards crystals for anything going on mentally or physically! Sometimes I just walk into one and let my intuition guide me towards to right one!
5. Victoria Secret Panties $10.50
This one is an obvious! Victoria Secret panties are a must no matter what the reason is!
(and even better if its a 5/$28.50 deal! Anyone else remember when it was 5/$27??? #thosewerethedays)
4. Eyebrow Kit $3.00
You know that game where you name 5 things you would bring on a deserted island? Yeah, this is one of my five things!
Growing my eyebrows were nothing to look at...seriously they barely existed. So when I finally learned how to draw on my eyebrows I was hooked!
This kit from e.l.f. is definitely my favorite because it's not tested on animals, is affordable, and works! (unless you do cardio...my arches disappear every time its cardio core day on my calendar)
3. Mastering Your Inner Mean Girl $10.99 (kindle)
This book has been on my list for months since all of my team recommends it!
"You know that sneaky voice inside your head telling you that you’re not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, whatever enough? That’s your Mean Girl. And she’s doing her best to keep you stuck in Fear Town, too scared to go after the life you always imagined.
In this inspiring, upbeat guide, Melissa provides a practical plan for creating your own version of a kick-ass life — one that’s wildly wealthy, fabulously healthy and bursting with love. Designed to propel you out of stuck-ness and into action, this is a must read if you’re ready to let go of your Mean Girl and start living the life of your dreams."
Time to get deep babes. Confidence comes from within and is usually destroyed by judging or comparing yourself to others.
In this book, Gabby Bernstein shares her six step process to replace judgement with compassion, comparison with love, and help you live your most freeing life!
She keeps it real, takes you inside her life, and gives you tangible advice to conquer your worst inner demons.
(btw all of Gabby Bernstein's books are amazing! I have listened to some multiple times and would highly recommend you do too!)
1. Girl, Stop Apologizing $14.99
Don't hate me cause this one ain't $10 because it is worth way more than the cover price! Girl, Stop Apologizing is my FAVORITE BOOK EVER! I even give a free copy to my clients.
Rachel Hollis gives you the prep talk in life you need in every chapter! She keeps it REAL...like really real...like she admits to peeing her pants cause after having kids its like a rocket launched off down there.
If you're ready to drop the excuses and really go after what you want in life, GET THIS ONE NOW! (or join Happy BOD Babes for a free copy! #shamelessplug)
I hope these tips help you when you are looking to #treatyoself or just need a little boost!
As always, seek professional help for mental health concerns!
For self love coaching, check out our #allthevibes mastermind for more details on our badass, self loving tribe focusing on raising their vibes to attract more love, joy, and abundance into their lives!
Tara Simone <3