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In 2022, I had just ONE new years resolution - to find 365 magical moments, one every day. Honestly, it was just a cute challenge for myself and thought it would be a fun daily thing to share on my Instagram stories.


But almost instantly, I noticed a shift. Every morning I woke feeling like I was on an adventure to discover these little glimmers. I found myself slowing down & being present even during busy business hours looking for the magic.


Without fail every day, I found something that made me smile. Something that made my grateful to be alive. That was HUGE considering just a few short years ago I was living with depression and felt nothing most days.


Within a month, I felt more HOPEFUL, more GRATEFUL, more in LOVE with my life. THAT is my goal for you during the ✨ 30 Day Magical Moments Challenge! ✨


To experience how wonderful your life truly is even on the days that might not seem special or great at all. There’s always some joy just waiting for you to slow down and find it. So let’s get to it!


Download your FREE copy filled with tips, slow living practices, affirmations, tracker, and vibey phone wallpaper!


We start this challenge on the first of every month!


Are you ready for your most magical month yet? 🥰

Magical Moments: 30 Day Slow Living Challenge Guide

$5.55 Regular Price
$0.00Sale Price
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  • ✨ 25 Slow Living Practices

    ✨ Magical Moments Tracker

    ✨ Positive Affirmations

    ✨ Tips & Advice from Tara Simone

    ✨ Vibey Phone Wallpaper

    We start the first of every month!

    Are you ready to slow down and discover the magic all around you?

    Download your FREE copy of this guide and follow me on Instagram @magically_tarasimone for more tips, support, & to see my daily magical moments on stories! 💕

Magically Tara Simone, LLC
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