Tara Simone

Feb 2, 20224 min

Manifested It! Module 1 - Think It!

Updated: Feb 16

THINK IT! This first module of four will teach you all about the basics of manifestation and how your thoughts create your reality. More importantly, I will show you the easiest way to shift your thinking with the 3 A's (acknowledge, alchemize, and affirm) as well as my go-to morning manifestation routine to attract more of what you DO want and less of what you don't want! Watch the 40 minute training first and then make sure to check out the resources below for journal prompts, affirmations, a look inside my journal, vision board tutorial, and MORE!

Click the pink button for more details or "subscribe now" to get instant access to Module 1 and begin manifesting the life you can't stop thinking about!

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OMG OMG OMG! Welcome!

I am already in tears writing this because if you are reading this that means you invested in yourself and are officially in Manifested It! The Course I AM SO EXCITED for you to start creating that life you cannot stop thinking about!

You now have access to the ENTIRE course so start with Module 1 video below and DO THE HOMEWORK. Feel free to take this course as fast or slow as you desire. Please drop ANY questions or thoughts you have in the comments at the bottom of this module.

Now, let's take a deep breath, feel that feeling of "holy crap! My life is about to change!" and let's manifest it together!

Before we dive into the video training, claim ONE thing you are going to manifest during this course & then dive into module 1 video training to learn the 4 steps to make it a reality!

ps. Fill out this certificate by saving and printing it.

Get clear on your goals

  1. What do you really desire?

  2. What are your goals for the next few months?

  3. What would your dream life look like?

  4. If your fairy godmother appeared to grant you three wishes, what would you ask for?

  5. What would you like to manifest in the next month? Choose something that feels a little out of reach, but that you still think is maybe possible for you to achieve!

What is your why?

  1. How will manifesting this goal better your life?

  2. How will it help those around you?

  3. How will it benefit the world for you to achieve this?

What's stopping you?

  1. Start daydreaming about your goal. Do you notice any negative or unhelpful thoughts coming up? Write them down.

  2. What tells you this goal is impossible? What is holding you back from achieving it?

  3. Are these fears true? (hint: the answer is always no. Anything that doesn't feel good or empowering is not from the divine) Can you prove these fears wrong by pulling examples from your life or others?

  4. What do you now choose to believe? Turn those negative fears into positive affirmations you can repeat to transform your mindset!

psst. You can access the companion journal to this course here for FREE! It has some the journal prompts from all the modules' homework as well as the affirmations in a vibey PDF.

Your job from now until forever is to the gentle observer of your thoughts. Throughout the day notice what thoughts feel empowering and which ones are being a little b*tch. Go through these journal prompts again to shift the funky thoughts to more positive affirmations or use the 3 A's - acknowledge, alchemize, and affirm. Repeat your affirmations as many times a day as needed and look at your vision board if you created one at least once a day to remember what you are working towards! Lastly, write your gratitude and desires list every morning or night! I promise, this whole positive thinking thing gets easier with time. Don't beat yourself up, give yourself some grace, and simply decide to believe a more helpful thought. This is how you transform your beliefs and manifest the eff out of your life!

1. Journal through the prompts in the call to get clear on your goals & create more empowering thoughts!

2. Say your affirmations daily to reprogram these new thoughts into your mind

3. Start your gratitude and desires ritual either first thing in the morning or before bed!

Vision Board Tutorial:

More about your thoughts becoming things:

Clearing Some Common Limiting Beliefs with EFT Tapping:

Into witchcraft? Try this easy manifesting spell:

Books I recommend:

Super Attractor by Gabby Bernstein:

Ready to turn what you want into the life that you live? The number-one New York Times best-selling author of The Universe Has Your Back shows you how. In Super Attractor, Gabrielle Bernstein lays out the essential methods for manifesting a life beyond your wildest dreams. This book is a journey of remembering where your true power lies. You'll learn how to co-create the life you want. You'll accept that life can flow, that attracting is fun, and that you don't have to work so hard to get what you want. Most important, you'll feel good, you'll give off a presence of joy that elevates everyone around you.

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

In this book, you’ll learn how to use The Secret in every aspect of your life—money, health, relationships, happiness, and in every interaction you have in the world. You’ll begin to understand the hidden, untapped power that’s within you, and this revelation can bring joy to every aspect of your life.

The Secret contains wisdom from modern-day teachers—men and women who have used it to achieve health, wealth, and happiness. By applying the knowledge of The Secret, they bring to light compelling stories of eradicating disease, acquiring massive wealth, overcoming obstacles, and achieving what many would regard as impossible.

The Law of Attraction by Abraham Hicks

This book presents the powerful basics of the original Teachings of Abraham. Within these pages, you’ll learn how all things, wanted and unwanted, are brought to you by this most powerful law of the universe, the Law of Attraction. (that which is like unto itself is drawn). You’ve most likely heard the saying Law of Attraction has been alluded to by some of the greatest teachers in history, it has never before been explained in as clear and practical terms as in this latest book by New York Times best-selling authors, Esther and Jerry Hicks.
